


【英語】DUO3.0 990 load

load a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc 発音lóud youglish.com A truck driving ahead of me skidded, turned over, and scattered its load all over the road. 私の前を走っていたトラックがスリップして横転し、…

【英語】DUO3.0 689 hastile

hastile angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them 発音[US] hɑ́stəl | [UK] hɑ́stail、 分節hos・tile youglish.com They are hostile to Richard because they are jealous of his wealth and status. 彼らはリ…

【英語】DUO3.0 669 privilege

privilege a special advantage that is given only to one person or group of people 発音prívəlidʒ 分節priv・i・lege privilege 特権 Young ones are just too hot-blooded. I coundn't care less about the privilege. 若いやつは血気盛んでいかん。 …

【英語】DUO3.0 1523 oblige

oblige if you are obliged to do something, you have to do it because the situation, the law, a duty etc makes it necessary to do something that someone has asked you to do be obliged to do... (have to do.../be forced to do.../be made to do…

【英語】DUO3.0 1879 corruption

corruption dishonest, illegal, or immoral behaviour, especially from someone with power a changed form of something, for example a word 発音kərʌ́pʃən分節cor・rup・tion youglish.com 406 Jason, who was in charge of the project, was dismissed…

【英語】DUO3.0 1786 integrity

integrity the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right formal the state of being united as one complete thing 発音intégrəti分節in・teg・ri・ty youglish.com integrity 388 Ted, who is often referred to as a man …

【英語】DUO3.0 131 competent

competent (able/capable/proficient/qualified)(⇔incometent) having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standard 発音[US] kɑ́mpətənt | [UK] kɔ́mpətənt分節com・pe・tent youglish.com 28 Competent mechanics are in great…

【英語】DUO3.0 1116 glacier

glacier a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley 発音 gléiʃər分節 gla・cier これは記憶に残らんなぁー(;´・ω・)どうしよ 例文ひたすら音読するしかないか。 youglish.com 240 A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melt…

【英語】DUO3.0 1744 A might[ may ] well do...

may well used to say that there is a good reason for a reaction, question, or feeling A will probably do.../it is very likely (that) A will do... may well ask... may well think... may well be... may well do... may well have... 379 Female c…

【英語】DUO3.0 1612 adversity

adversity a situation in which you have a lot of problems that seem to be caused by bad luck 発音[US] ædvə́ːrsəti | [UK] ædvə́ːsəti 分節ad・ver・si・ty in the face of adversity youglish.com In the face of adversity, Mike accomplished an e…

【英語】DUO3.0 1589 yield

yield RESULT to produce a result, answer, or piece of information CROPS/PROFITSto produce crops, profits etc AGREE UNWILLINGLYto allow yourself to be forced or persuaded to do something or stop having something 発音jíːld yield to ... ≒giv…

【英語】DUO3.0 856 contempt

contempt (for...) (⇔respect/admiration) a feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect 名詞 U:軽蔑・侮辱 発音 kəntémpt 分節 con・tempt have contempt forfeel contempt forshow cotempt for youglish.com 186 I ca…

【英語】DUO3.0 830 modest

modest≒humble 1.NOT PROUD someone who is modest does not want to talk about their abilities or achievements 2.NOT BIG not very great, big, or expensive 3 SHYshy about showing your body or attracting sexual interest, because you are easily …

【英語】DUO3.0 750 premise

premise 前提 発音《動》primáiz 《名》prémis 変化《動》premises | premising | premised 分節prem・ise promise「約束」と綴りと発音にてるなぁー。promiseの方が聞きなれてるかして、promiseと聞き間違えてしまう。 promの「o」方が「約束」premの「…

【英語】DUO3.0 720 flunk

flunk (科目・学科を)落とす 【発音】flʌ́ŋk flunk a class (course) 単位を落とす flunk an entrance exam 入試に落ちる flunk out 退学する flunk out of school 退学する ※「中退する」は drop out of school youglish.com 157 Joe is anything but dilig…

【英語】DUO3.0 2509 get through

547 Bob has to get through this ondeal on his own. ボブは自分の力でこの厳しい試練を乗り切らなければならない。 2509 get through …(辛いことを)乗り切る たまたま昨日海外ドラマ「フレンズ」1話から見直してたら、これ使ってたわ。 モニカがワインの…

【英語】DUO3.0 2032 simultaneously

個人的な記憶のメモとして【英単語記憶メモ】としてカテゴリーにぶち込んでいく。 2032 simultananeously 発音[US] sàiməltéiniəsli | [UK] sìməltéiniəsli 分節si・mul・ta・ne・ous・ly simultaneously It all exists simultaneoully. 同時に存在する…


vocabulary 発音[US] voukǽbjəlèri | [UK] vəkǽbjuləri 分節vo・cab・u・lar・y まずは発音記号と文節を調べる。 それから発音記号を文節ごとにきる。 vou kǽbj ə lèr i 前から順番につなげて口に出して言う。 出来たら次。出来たら次というふうに最後…

【英語】DUO3.0例文404skepticismとlinger onが記憶になかなか残らない

The vague rumor proved to be false. Nevertheless, some skepticism lingers on. その曖昧な噂は嘘だとわかった。だがそれでも、多少の疑いはまだ残る。 skepticismとlinger onが記憶になかなか残らない。 こういう時はYouEnglishでその単語・熟語を検索し…


DUO3.0例文392を聴いて疑問点があったのでメモ We should leave out this data. It's far from accurate. このデータは除外した方がいい。 正確と言うにはほど遠いものだ。 通常、前置詞の後ろは名詞あるいは名詞節。 accurateは形容詞ってことはfromの後ろ…